Stories marked with a * contain MATURE CONTENT and if you are under the age
of 18 you are forbidden to view these stories.
::Legends and Lore:: City of Heroes Fan Fiction
An overview as told by a friendly succubus.
A young girl with unusual origins embarks on a journey that will change her life, and the lives of those around her.
The Kindness of Strangers
The half-demoness finds a friendship, and a mentor, in the company of a kind-hearted stranger.
What's in a Name?
The new arrival to Paragon City searches for her identity.
The Canteen
A motley crew of beings, meet the extended family of heroes that make up the Canteen Warriors.
Dark as Syn
Appearances and stereotypes can sometimes be misleading. The beginning of Syn's journey.
finds out that her rebellion has a high cost.
This story contains mature/violent content. If you are not of legal age
to view such content in your jurisdiction, you do not have permission
to access this content. If dark violence offends you, please do not read
this story.
Cataclysmic Birthright
birth of a firstborn child heralds a new evil. MATURE CONTENT ADVISORY -
This story contains mature/violent content. If you are not of legal age
to view such content in your jurisdiction, you do not have permission
to access this content. If dark violence offends you, please do not read
this story.
Shades of Change
Azazela encounters an irresistable force for change in her life - her sister.
A Darker Shade
Azazela finds friendship as she is introduced to an unexpected partner.
The Edge of Tribulations
A vague longing that she does not understand seems to draw Azazela closer to the edge of tribulations that will change her life.
A Proper Schooling
A young Adara Westmarch is started on a path to a higher education.
A Deal Made in Darkness
Has Azazela succumbed to the demonic influences, or is she just a grieving mother? Portions written by Troy A. Stanton - character of Ghost Thief used by his kind permission.
The prodigal daughter plots to defeat her mother and the forces of those who battle for good by trying to circumvent a dire prophecy. MATURE CONTENT ADVISORY -
This story contains mature/violent content. If you are not of legal age
to view such content in your jurisdiction, you do not have permission
to access this content. If dark violence offends you, please do not read
this story.
Out of the Ashes
A battle ends on a dark note, and strange allies bring about an unexpected redemption. MATURE CONTENT ADVISORY -
This story contains mature/violent content. If you are not of legal age
to view such content in your jurisdiction, you do not have permission
to access this content. If dark violence offends you, please do not read
this story.
Perilous Atonement
A bitter hatred sets a dangerous mission in motion. MATURE CONTENT ADVISORY -
This story contains mature/violent content. If you are not of legal age
to view such content in your jurisdiction, you do not have permission
to access this content. If dark violence offends you, please do not read
this story.
A Child Shall Lead Them
Adara is learning that half of the battle is simply getting there as her father tries to protect her from her own good intentions.
A Widow's Ordeal
Will an Arachnos Widow be redeemed by making the right choices?
This story contains mature/violent content. If you are not of legal age
to view such content in your jurisdiction, you do not have permission
to access this content. If dark violence offends you, please do not read
this story.
Worlds Apart
Silky Kitty meets her match in the form of a powerful stalker. MATURE CONTENT ADVISORY -
This story contains mature/violent content. If you are not of legal age
to view such content in your jurisdiction, you do not have permission
to access this content. If dark violence offends you, please don't read
this story.
::Epic Roleplay::
The Darkest Hour
The following three episodes are story-format
versions of our role-players group's Epic roleplay, which was started
at the end of 2005. It is a compilation of the works of several
authors. The players who play Bloodwynd, La Luna, Tuetonic Knight,
Hidden Demise, VuDu DawL and Azazela all collaborated and this
adventure was played out in our forums. The entire group did a great
job. It has now been converted from present tense role-play format,
into story format, for posting, and for the enjoyment of our readers.
This was a group effort, and could not have been done without
everyone's participation! The whole cast worked very hard on this!
Credits for this work, and copyrights, belong to the original authors.
Used by permission.
Characters Played by:
La Luna de Lune
Fleur de Lune
Lumiere de Lune
Tristan de Lune
played by Andie K.
Tuetonic Knight/Conrad Knight
Tuetonic Baron/Wilhelm Knight
played by Jay A.
played by Mike T.
VuDu DawL
played by DeAnna (Dee) H.
Hidden Demise
played by Bryan R.
The character of Keres is included in our stories with his generous permission.
non-player characters in this story include characters from the City of
Heroes (� 2005 Cryptic Studios, Inc. and NC Interactive, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.) story lines. All stories are fan fiction, and remain
the propertie(s) of their creator(s)/character owners. All copyrights
and legal intellectual property rights remain with the
writers/creators, and posting to this site is by permission.
Reproduction or reposting is not permitted.
The stories on this site, and any images, are the background stories, screenshots, renditions, or continuing adventures, of characters created and played in the MMORPG, City of Heroes (Copyright 2005 Cryptic Studios, Inc. and NC Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.) Player characters and their names, designs, and stories are copyright Iswiz Design Team *OR* by their player owners, and are included by permission of said owners. Stories remain the property of their author(s) and are used
here by express permission.